So as you may be aware, NPR crowd-sourced a list of the 100 greatest sci-fi and fantasy novels. As you might also be aware, 100 novels is a lot of novels. Chances are you’ve read or at least heard of some of them before, but let’s say you want to pick a new one, something you aren’t familiar with, something that will be an exciting surprise, but more importantly, something you’ll actually enjoy.
Well you don’t have to choose arbitrarily based on title or cover art any more; SF Signal has created an exhaustive, infinitely useful flowchart that’ll help you find the pick that’s right for you. Also, it’s funny, which is always a plus. Whether you’re interested in diving into the annals of post-apocalyptic Catholicism thousands of years in the future or an epic fantasy series with at least ten books under its belt, this flowchart is sure to lead you to the right choice.
(via io9) Awesome Flowchart Helps You Pick Your Next Sci-Fi or Fantasy Read
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