Another Classic PC Game Turns Into a Console FPS

Remember how 2K Games is remaking the classic PC tactical strategy game Xcom as a first-person shooter, due out sometime next year? Well, it suddenly has some company -- EA just announced they're rebooting the classic PC tactical strategy game franchise Syndicate... also as a first-person shooter... and also for consoles (PC too, of course). The first trailer is above.

Now, Syndicate came out during the nigh-on two decades during which I had no access to a computer, but my friend did, and I watched him play a shit-ton of Syndicate (as well as Xcom) so I have fond memories of the game, albeit secondhand. But I don't know what you PC guys are feeling right now. Excited for a new Syndicate game? Enraged that it's been turned into an FPS? Just happy it's back? If nothing else, the trailer is pretty goddamned exciting, and some of the cyberpunk stuff and future weapons look pretty sweet. I'm definitely more interested in this than Xcom, at least for now.