Doug Church, Looking Glass' legend, joins Valve

For those who don't know -

He recently worked on EA's LMNO project with Spielberg. In november last year, 1UP did an in-depth article on its development. An example of good games journalism btw. :)


Church has been publicity-shy in recent years, but became known in the industry for past commentary on developer issues and his background working on hardcore PC titles. After attending MIT, he went to work at fan-favorite developer Looking Glass, contributing to Ultima Underworld, System Shock, Thief, and others, before moving over to Eidos and working on games like Tomb Raider. People who know him describe him as someone who takes "an academic approach" and someone who "thinks big, who shoots for the stars," while designers such as Irrational's Ken Levine and Junction Point's Warren Spector credit him with many of the philosophies they use in making their games. In short: he's not the guy you hire if you're trying to make a by-the-numbers game.
Can't wait to see what he'll do with Valve and his impact on future Valve titles. Hopefully something in the "immersive sim/emergency" arena.
Valve has been bringing in some top talent lately. First Michael Abrash, now Doug.