Watson Didn’t Crash During Jeopardy Taping Despite Reports

Watson, the IBM gaming computer, has finished its stint on Jeopardy, and trounced the human contestants on the game show. The human players were the famed human champs Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter. Apparently, the PBS show Nova did a piece on Watson and one of the producers of that story Michael Bicks noted on a chat about the program that Watson crashed during taping.

Bicks noted that it took over four hours to tape the show thanks to the delays with Watson. However, Bicks came back later and announced that he had misspoken and it wasn’t Watson that crashed, rather the interface between Watson and the Jeopardy computers. The crash was unrelated to Watson, and it’s not clear if that interface was an IBM machine or something that Jeopardy was using. It’s impressive that Watson was able to beat the humans so easily.

Why is it that I can’t think of Jeopardy without a couple things popping to mind? Things like “Suck it Trebek!” and Weird Al always come to mind.

[via CNET]