World’s Greatest Garage Sale

There is no question in my mind that this is the World’s Greatest Garage Sale. Any such sale that has not one but at least six NES systems up for grabs is alright in my book. There is just too much good stuff to mention. The old NES gun, the Power Pad, The Sega Master System, a few Dreamcasts, probably a half dozen Sega Genesis, some Ataris and Commadore 64s, an Xbox, Wii, Wii Fit, a couple N64s, a bunch of different GameBoys, a Playstation or two and I’m sure a bunch more that I’m missing.

The only thing that needs to be here that I don’t see is the PowerGlove…or the VirtuaBoy. I wonder what games he’s got for all of these? I also wonder how much this whole collection will run you. It really doesn’t matter to me though, I’d buy it almost regardless of price. What’s your favorite system of the bunch?

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