CryTek Looking to Bring CryEngine to Android? [Job Alert]

Job postings are so revealing, aren’t they? Some of the bigger names in our entertainment ecosystem – such as Sony and Netflix – have revealed their Android aspirations through spottings of job postings. CryTek – the folks who create CryEngine (which the video game Crysis is based on) – may be the newest in a growing list of development studios showing interest in the ever-growing Android.

In a job posting, they specifically call for iOS developers, but state that Android experience is a big plus. I question whether or not they could be bringing a mobile version of CryEngine, but that’s just wishful thinking – nothing in the job description hints at them needing a programmer with game development skills outside of a strong understanding of object oriented design.

Could just be a Crysis app, but it could be more. Just as with the PlayStation job posting earlier in 2010, we won’t learn more until we’re met with leaks or an official statement of some sort. Let’s not get too happy just yet. [via Droid Gamers]