ARM-Powered Google TV Devices on the Way

Despite some recent hacking opening up root on the Google TV platform, the modified version of Android has remained a fairly closed system since it’s release last fall. Part of this is due to it being one of the only versions of Android designed to run on x86 CPU architecture with Intel chips powering the current lineup of GTV devices. Now word is leaking down from inside Google that a version of the software is in the works that would be compatible with ARM-based processors, much like the rest of the Android world.

While exact details and availability of this version are far from being known, a benefit of such a system could include lower cost hardware at the cost of some processing power and possibly video quality. It would certainly be a kick in the right direction, as Google TV has suffered a bit from a high price tag for untested technology. We still love it, and anything that could possibly get it into more hands is a welcome innovation.

[via ARMDevices]