TMNT Pizza Taste Test [Video]

Aside from the awesome catchphrases from our favorite animated reptiles (Tubular! Cowabunga, dude! RADICAL!), I think the things I remember best from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are, in order: 1) April’s totally cosplay-worthy costume, 2) the theme song, and 3) Michelangelo’s disgusting pizzas (which almost all looked like pepperoni).
Some crazy folks decided to get together and recreate some of Michelangelo’s most stomach-turning favorites and try them out. Watch as hilarity ensues.
From peanut butter and clams to granola and licorice, there are very few winners here. Apparently hot oatmeal is ok, and surprisingly, pepperoni and marshmallow doesn’t suck. The taste-testers get more daring as they get progressively more intoxicated. I don’t know if I could drink enough to make me taste clam sauce and chocolate sprinkle pizza.
(Note: Lots of NSFW language and generally nauseating food in the video below.)

[complete nerdom] [image] TMNT Pizza Taste Test [Video]