Sunday Secrets

My father had a stroke last week and as I raced wildly to get to the hospital in time, I mentally apologized to the people driving around me. He is going to be ok!

PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail
in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard.

See More Secrets. Follow PostSecret on Twitter.

Special PostSecret Event
(Proceeds to Benefit 'The Centere for Suicide Prevention')
Calgary, AB
RSVP on Facebook | Buy Tickets Online


Hi Frank,

When I saw the secret about the person wanting to cross the street, my heart sunk as I remember how I felt when I looked across the street at all the cars and realized being hit was better than making it across.

Thankfully, the realization scared me enough that I got help — and I too am glad I didn't. I've now been treated for depression for almost a year. Words can't describe how I felt at the time, but this postcard somehow captured it and even makes me feel a little better that I wasn't alone in these thoughts.

And if you are curious, I was right here:

PostSecret Community