The Most Incredible, Least Authenticated Super Mario Playthrough Ever

This is a video of one man playing Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario Bros. 3, and Super Mario: The Lost Levels... simultaneously.

Actually, check that.This is a video of one man playing Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros.
2, Super Mario Bros. 3
, and Super Mario: The Lost Levels...
simultaneously... purportedly.

Kotaku says the guy is well-known Japanese game-speed runner agwawaf, who pulled a similar stunt with the first six Mega Man games. And they say he has a special emulator that slowed the games down enough so he could play them all on one controller and do things like keep Mario running when he was controlling another Mario and such, so it's not like this video is in real time.

But my problem is that we kind of have to take this guys word for it. I mean, Kotaku posted it, and I'm pretty sure he did it, or could do it. But with a video of just four Mario games played next to each other, there's no real tangible proof he didn't just play 'em separately. Another camera recording him playing would have helped immensely. Oh well.