A Moment of Topless Robot Self-Pleasure: DC Meet-Up and More


I am way, way, late on this, but attention all Topless Roboteers in the Washington D.C. area -- I will be holding the official Topless Robot D.C. Meet-Up/Drink-Up on Friday, April 22nd. It'll be from 6-9pm EST (minimum; it could certainly go later depending on how many of you knuckleknobs show up) at the Black Rooster Pub on L Street NW (between 19th and 20th). If you've ever wanted to meet me, buy me a drink, meet fellow Topless Roboteers or just watch me drink, you are in for one hell of an evening. If you're thinking about going, please let me know if the comments.

Also: I am leaving off tomorrow morning for my brother's wedding in Jolly Olde England for the next several days (unfortunately, it's not in London, or I'd try to have a drink-up there, too). Chris Cummins will be running the site Thursday, Friday and Monday until my return. Alas, this means no Fan Fiction Friday this week (personal note: HA HA! Yes!), but Chris will run a TR contest this weekend. Now, I don't want to come back and hear you kids have been misbehaving... mainly because I have no way of chastising you other than threatening to withhold future FFFs. Which would actually be kind of sweet for me. So enh, do whatever you want. And I'll see you little scamps on Tuesday the 19th... and hopefully I'll see some of you on person on Friday the 22nd.