If you really want to make the most of Chrome's speed, what you need is is a bevy of keyboard shortcuts. Check them out!
Alt+F or Alt+E -- Open the Wrench (Tools) menu (you can then use the arrow keys to navigate it...)
Ctrl+Shift+B -- Toggles the Bookmarks Bar on and off
Ctrl+D -- Bookmark your current Web page
Ctrl+Shift+D -- Bookmarks all of your open Web pages in one folder
Ctrl+J -- Opens the Downloads tab
Shift+Esc -- Opens the 'Task Manager', which you can use to close errant tabs/processes
Ctrl+Shift+J -- Opens the Chrome Developer Tools (which are surprisingly good!)
Ctrl+L -- Selects your current page's URL (and puts the cursor in the address bar)
Ctrl+Backspace -- Deletes one word/phrase to the left of your cursor in the address bar
Ctrl+G -- Finds the next instance of your search term (Ctrl+F!) Ctrl+Shift+G finds the previous instance
Ctrl+U -- View the source of your current page
Ctrl+R -- The same as F5 (might be faster for some people to type)
Ctrl+1(2, 3, 4, etc) -- Switch to the tab designated by the number (from the left)
Ctrl+Shift+T -- Re-open the most recently closed tab