Crysis 2 Leak - Support Crytek

Late this evening, there were reports of an incomplete, unfinished build of Crysis 2 being distributed through various file sharing sites. Regretfully, it has been confirmed.

I know many of the Crytek and EA crew personally and recognize the enormous amount of hard work that goes into producing titles like Crysis 2. I can only but imagine the disappointment and anger at Crytek HQ today.

As a community, we must unite and support Crytek during this difficult and trying time. If you haven’t already, go and pre-order Crysis 2.

Additionally, I’d encourage you all to write your messages of support in this thread. I will deliver these to Cevat Yerli, CEO of Crytek myself.

Furthermore, you can show your support in this letter to Crytek

An official statement from Crytek/EA has been made below:
“Crytek has been alerted that an early incomplete, unfinished build of Crysis 2 has appeared on Torrent sites. Crytek and EA are deeply disappointed by the news. We encourage fans to support the game and the development team by waiting and purchasing the final, polished game on March 22. Crysis 2 is still in development and promises to be the ultimate action blockbuster as the series’ signature Nanosuit lets you be the weapon as you defend NYC from an alien invasion. Piracy continues to damage the PC packaged goods market and the PC development community”

- Signed, Matthew, Founder of