Xbox 360 Only Console Up in 2010

NPD data showed today that Microsoft experienced it's best year for the Xbox brand.  The company sold 6.7 Million Units at a 47% increase year over year.  The official Microsoft Blog determined that with 6.2 billion dollars spent at retail more than any other current generation console.  Despite shortages, Xbox 360 console sales remained strong in December where it sold 1.9 million units.

Helping the console along were Call of Duty: Black Ops and it's rather problem free experience on the 360, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, and Kinect Sports.  These final numbers for 2010 helped seal the best year in Xbox 360 history where the console ended with over 50 million Xbox 360 consoles sold worldwide to date, alongside 30 million active Xbox Live subscribers, and 8 million Kinect sensors sold in the first 60 days.

The company noted that 2011 looks equally strong with titles like Gears of War 3, Forza Motorsport 4, and Avatar Kinect due to strengthen their gaming portfolio.

Aaron Greenberg noted about the console "Only console up in 2010". And I'm pretty sure he may or may not have said "Bitches!" after that.
