Windows 7 hits 300 million mark

Microsoft's latest financials not only brought better than expected results, but also the news that the company has now surpassed 300 million licenses sold for Windows 7.

The software giant's key operating system ahs been a critical hit, and has also proven to be hugely popular with consumers.

That's shown by the latest announcement, with Brandon LeBlanc confirming the 300 million total in a blog post.

300 million licenses

'Today as part of our Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2011 earnings release, we announced that Windows 7 has sold over 300 million licenses to-date,' said LeBalanc

'To put that in perspective, 300 million is roughly the combined number of households in North American and in Europe! Or, to put it another way, if you lined up 300 million Windows 7 product boxes, they would stretch nearly 1.5 times around the Earth!

'As of today, over 20 per cent of Internet-connected PCs worldwide are running Windows 7 according to Net Applications.'

It's a key landmark for Microsoft, and will be a key boost to the company, although Windows 7 sales inevitably suffered as PC sales slowed in the last quarter.