Range of graphics effects in console games *spawn

Range of graphics effects in console games *spawn: "


Originally Posted by Nebula
(Post 1515569)

Dont keep the numbers for yourself, share it man!

Originally Posted by AlStrong
(Post 1515810)

Considering how similar the demo is to the alpha, I wouldn't be too surprised if the demo was just a quick re-build of what they had at the end of the closed test (including the state of the multiplayer map).

After trying the Crysis 2 demo-I wanted to play it in order to know what the fuss is all about.. having heard many times how PC gamers loved the tech- I think this generation of consoles, technically wise, is pretty much done.

This last years have been...difficult ones for consoles, in many ways, and I'm sorry to say that some of my faith in consoles has been shaken as a result.

I still love them, because of Kinect and things like WiFi N, and trying to go with the times decently or even being well ahead of its time back in 2005 and 2006, even nowadays using 3D technology and stuff.

I also want this generation to last 2-3 or 4 more years at least, because of Kinect. But anyways, I don't see another Oblivion, another game surprising me like this one did, making me say "Wow", making me feel speechless.

In fact, I think graphics are getting worse everyday. Old games had better graphics, in my opinion.

Games like Perfect Dark Zero and PGR3 had HDR + AA, plus excellent textures. I didn't see -not even in the much-trumpeted PS3 modern exclusives and Gears of War, Halo, etc-, textures as good as the ones of PDZ.

Oblivion was a true milestone in 2006. After that, there were some surprising effects here and there but the sheer simplicity of those graphics that worked so well is gone.

Here are some pics and a video of the best textures I've seen this generation.



Also take a look at this video, especially after 1:50. The texture of the scientist's suit is just crazy, it's almost perfect.

Maybe it's just that back then developers thought consoles were so ridiculously powerful that they felt confident enough to add amazing textures to games, not being afraid to try what most developers don't nowadays.

Crytek tried to add a lot of cool tech to consoles but in the end it doesn't work as it should be. Some things look amazing but those are rare. I just saw popping and a weird blur on weapons.

Seriously, current developers give actual games a bad name, and I've always hated how they can criticize past graphics techniques saying that they improved this or that so much and yet treat issues like low res textures and popping as if they exist in a vacuum and never, ever hurt games in any way and are therefore above criticism. The whole development community just reeks of hypocrisy--I haven't been listening to them in months and never will again.

PC gamers are laughing at console gamers right now.