Microsoft Windows 8 Leaked

windows-8-leaked.jpgWe knew Microsoft is working on Windows 8 operating system and is planning to release it in 2012. Word on internet has it the latest version of Windows OS installs faster than the current version, and offers couple of interesting features.
Windows 8 has a "factory restore" feature which returns the computer to its factory state in under 2 minutes. So in case something goes horribly wrong and you cannot even recover the system to previously known good state, factory restore feature will save your day. And no, you're not required to install a disk.

The upcoming OS also has an app store and lets user log-in using Windows Live ID.

The "source" also reports that he was able to install Windows 8 OS in just 8 minutes -- approximately 2.5x faster than Windows 7. It is another matter that his computer has an 8-core processor, 24GB memory, and 2TB hard drive. So normal users will not be able to install Windows 8 in flat 8mins, but it should certainly take less time when compared to Windows 7 install time.

Windows 8 is due in 2012.

[via Neowin]