Google Pimps Out Personal Profiles

Google has redesigned Google Profiles, the profile pages that all Gmail users can set up with pictures and information about them.

If you set your Google Profile to be visible to everyone, then it will likely be at the top of the Google search results when someone looks up your name, which makes it an important part of your personal brand.

The new Profile looks a bit more like the Info page on your Facebook profile, with your photo in the top left corner, essential information about you below, while a scrapbook of photos and more detailed info about your occupation, employment, education and whereabouts dominates the biggest part of the page. The new design is not groundbreaking in any way, but it’s much nicer than before and it gets the job done.

In a blog post announcing the new Profiles, Google reiterates that Google Profiles are designed for individuals, not businesses; Google claims it’s working on “new ways for businesses to engage with their customers,” and hopefully we can expect some updates there in the near future.

To edit your profile, visit
