You’re Not Crazy: Google I/O Registration Sold Out in 59 Minutes

No, your internet doesn’t suck. Yes, we’re surprised that Google didn’t stress test their servers. And we’re disappointed that one of us didn’t get to register as press due to all of the errors that popped up whenever trying to navigate the site. But if you haven’t already noticed, Google I/O registration is officially sold out.

In a summarizing tweet from their official IO twitter account, Google let out the following interesting stat:

Google I/O ’09 sold out in 90 days, ’10 in 50 days... #io2011: 59 minutes. Holy moly.

How they were able to do such a thing for this fourth annual developer affair is beyond me. Was it the hysteria they caused when saying registration would go fast? Or is Android really starting to be that attractive to developers?

The survey results – the ones that ask developers which platform they are most excited to develop for going forward – have always shown Android being the favorite, even if only by a slight margin. It looks like those surveys were as accurate as research firms believed them to be.

We’ll be covering the event live, so don’t worry about non-coverage from us. It’s just a shame that Google can’t rent out a space bigger than the Moscone Center West. Let’s hope switching venues to accommodate more developers is on their list of things to do before 2013 rolls around.