PlayStation Move coming to PC, possibly

Recent uncovered reports are hinting at Sony’s motion controller, the PlayStation Move, heading for PC via a new project called Move Server. Through this project, game developers, enthusiasts and hobbyists might one day – sooner than you think – be able to create projects of their own reminiscent of the numerous Kinect hacks we’ve seen since its launch.

Senior developer support engineer John McCutchan from SCEA will be hosting a session at this year’s Game Developer Conference (or GDC as we all know it by) in February, and it’s in the description of this session we get that hint of what’s to come for Move: “This talk will bring developers up to speed on developing for the PlayStation Move controller. We will cover developing for the new PlayStation Move Sharp Shooter accessory. We will discuss the new Move Server project that will make it possible for academics and hobbyists to develop software using the PlayStation Move controller on their own PCs.”

Again, with the amazing Kinect hacks we’ve already witnessed, and the Wii remote having its uses on PC as well, it’s only natural Sony would jump on the bandwagon and let tech-savvy people take the hardware for a spin and show us what it can really do.