External Hard Drives Disguised as NES Cartridges

Gamer swoon alert!

The first game I ever played to completion was Super Mario Bros., like most of my early-80s classmates. These days, I don’t do much gaming at all—but I do spend quite a lot of quality time with my computer. Etsy dealer 8BitMemory has an awesome way to introduce the games from our childhood (or whenever, if you’re not in the near-30 crowd) with these nostalgic NES Hard Drives. Tetris, Metroid, Excitebike, Legend of Zelda… be still my geeky heart.

And for the (slightly) younger set: Game Boy Advance 4GB flash drives.

And gift packs! Complete with mouse pad, cartridge sleeve and case, fitted with 500GB drives.

The NES Cartridges (with 1TB USB 3.0 hard drive) will set you back about $150. The GBA flash drives, $40, and the gift packs range from $130-140.