Drag and Drop of Webapps Comes to Chrome 10

The newer builds of Chrome that are at version 10 allow you to do something that makes your new tab page a little bit easier to look at: you can move your apps around as you like. Dragging and dropping them wherever you want makes it easier to prioritize the ones you use the most.

This is especially true if you’ve installed a bunch of them and they are starting to crowd your new tab screen; I now have enough installed that they don’t fit in one window even after removing unused ones.

chromewebapps Drag and Drop of Webapps Comes to Chrome 10

This could get messy.

That’s another problem that I’m starting to wonder about. Crowding all these apps into one generic screen might not be the best way to organize these icons. Drag and drop is a step forward, but in the future there needs to be a bit more detail in the way that one can arrange these apps.

This is especially true for new users of Chrome OS, who need to get comfortable with the fact that there isn’t really a desktop, which is a reaction I get from people I’ve shown the Cr-48 to.

As it stands, drag and drop only seems to be working in the newest dev build of Chrome OS.

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