iPhone Personal Hotspot feature headed to all iPhones in iOS 4.3?

So, by now you've had a chance to digest the fact that Verizon's getting the iPhone, right? A standout from yesterday's news is of course the iPhone Personal Hotspot feature that those lucky red devils are being treated to. Hopefully the rest of us won't have to remain envious for to long, though -- BGR says its sources have confirmed that that feature is headed to all iPhones once iOS 4.3 lands. The word is the OS version with this shiny treat will be 8F5148B with a baseband version of 04.08.00. Of course, your carrier is likely going to have to be on board, a-la tethering support, but once that dust settles not only will you be able to tether your device, but your friends will be able to join in -- and rack up your data usage, too. So sit back, relax, and all will be revealed if and when this bridges the gap between rumor and reality.